Soundation vs Soundtrap

Cloud DAWs in MusicFirst - which one is for you? MusicFirst offers not one but two very powerful Digital Audio Workstations (DAWs) in its line-up. So what are the differences between them and why use one rather than the other? And why pay for a subscription when you can use them both for free? Before …

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To Free Or Not To Free?

by Dr. James Frankel - Director, MusicFirst Here's a link to a great article written by the founder and Director of MusicFirst, published in the USA but every bit as relevant over here in the UK. To read the article, click on the links below or copy and paste them into your web browser:

Continue reading To Free Or Not To Free?

Marking & Feedback using MusicFirst and Noteflight Learn

I use Noteflight Learn a lot in my secondary school teaching. It's a great way to add interest to Music Theory and helps students understand the sound as they understand the symbols. It has replaced manuscript books in years 7-9, although we still do paper exercises from time to time: just because there's a new …

Continue reading Marking & Feedback using MusicFirst and Noteflight Learn

Composition – Where Do You Start?

In this blog, Matt explores the teaching of composition, challenging teaching of exercises and focusing on skills, techniques and free thinking... and looking at a tool that can help students and teachers get started...

Should I buy Macs or PCs? – Part 2

Some more thoughts and ideas based on classroom and resourcing experience, aimed at helping colleagues make an informed choice when equipping for Music Education Technology.